GDPR keep
MD works s.r.o. with its registered office at Jirečkova 1015/15, 170 00 Praha 7 IČ: 28812182 / DIČ: CZ28812182, as a data processor, would like to inform you about the extent and manner of processing your personal data and your rights in connection with such processing.
Protection of the privacy and protection of our customers ‚and clients‘ personal data, MD works s.r.o., is of fundamental importance.
At MD works s.r.o. a uniform privacy and personal data protection policy is in place, and EU Regulation 679/2016 of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46 / EC – General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data (GDPR), which entered into validation on 25 May 2018.
If you have any questions, comments, complaints, or for exercising your privacy rights, you can contact Daniel Pech. You can contact him at or at #mdworks headquarters.
Purpose of processing
MD works s.r.o. handles personal data solely for the purpose of providing services, fulfilling legal obligations, performing a work-law agenda, protecting the Company’s rights, and for business and marketing purposes. Specifically, these are the following:
- the processing of personal data relating to the control of entry into the company;
- processing of camera recordings;
- Signing up for training courses,
- Sending news,
- Registering for the Career Day event
- Evidence of job applicants data;
- evidence of training and in-house qualifications; data resulting from visits to MD works s.r.o. websites by customers or potential customers, so-called „cookies“. A cookie is a short text file that contains, for example, the unique numeric identifier that the visited webpage sends to your browser and which allows you to record your visit information, such as the preferred language and other settings. The next visit to your website can be easier and more productive for you and the website can offer you information tailored to your needs and interests; cookies at the same time allow you to restrict business communications to you only to those that fit your business practices.
Legal basis for processing
It is only possible to process personal data in MD works s.r.o. on any of the following legal titles:
- processing is necessary to meet the legal obligation that applies to MD works s.r.o.
- processing is necessary for the performance of the contract to which the data subject is party or for the implementation of measures taken before the conclusion of the contract at the request of that data subject. Typically, for example, processing CVs for job seekers until the end of the selection process;
- processing is necessary for the legitimate MD works s.r.o. interests, except when the interests of the data subject prevail over those interests. Typically, this involves processing to protect MD works s.r.o. assets, such as processing records in security systems, unless this processing is directly stored by law;
- The data subject has given consent to the processing of his or her personal data for one or more specific purposes.
Personal data processors
Personal data are processed exclusively by MD works s.r.o. employees.
Ensuring transparent processing
Personal data of MD works s.r.o. shall only be retained for the time necessary to fulfill the purpose of processing such data, or for compliance with the statutory deadlines.
In accordance with GDPR, you have the following rights to process your personal information:
- the right to request MD works s.r.o. to access your personal data, repair, erase or limit processing;
- the right to object to processing;
- the right to data portability;
- the right to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data at any time. However, withdrawal of consent is without prejudice to the processing of personal data prior to its revocation;
- the right to lodge a complaint regarding the processing of personal data with the Office for Personal Data Protection (contact e-mail:
Information for data subjects
All MD works s.r.o. employees and others may ask Daniel Pech to provide GDPR-related information. In addition to this, employees are informed of the way personal information is processed during the on-going and up-to-date security training, and are then familiarized with the relevant internal documentation that governs the protection of personal data according to the job position being performed.
Other data subjects are about the extent and manner of processing personal data
and processing requirements by the guarantor of the respective processing activity. Selected information is provided at workplaces that deal with personal data collection or collection.